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British thieves had their own language back in the 16th century!

The classic, colorful argot is now mostly obsolete, and is largely relegated to the realm of literature and fantasy role-playing, although individual terms continue to be used in the criminal subcultures of both Britain and the U.S.Thieves' can't or Rogues' can't was a secret language which was formerly used by thieves, beggars and hustlers of various kinds in Great Britain and to a lesser extent in other English-speaking countries.
It was commonly believed that can't developed from Romany. Etymological research now suggests a substantial correlation between Romany words and cant, and equivalents, in many European languages.
There is doubt as to the extent to which the words in canting literature were taken from street usage, or were adopted by those wishing to show that they were part of a real or imagined criminal underworld.

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