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Aerosmith has made more money from Guitar Hero than from album sales.

Though Aerosmith’s own Guitar Hero, released in 2008, was very successful and popular, many people were displeased with some omissions on the song selection. Additionally, many felt that a lack of improvements in the gameplay made the game feel not worth it.Following the release of Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band 2, the popularity of the franchises began to wane. In the wake of this, titles like Guitar Hero: Aerosmith and The Beatles Rock Band were being released to a high degree of success.
Despite this, the game sold like hotcakes. In its first week, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith sold more than 550,000 copies, grossing more than 25 million in sales. In the following three months, it sold over a million copies and made $50 million dollars. Aerosmith also benefitted in album sales with a 40% sales increase.
Though the exact numbers aren’t known, Aerosmith earned more from the game than album sales. Of course, not all of this was from the game’s royalties. Merchandising and concert sales were both boosted from the game. Today, the game has sold 3.6 million units.

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